Innovative Technology

  • Utilizes lab-on-a-chip technology for advanced food contamination testing.
  • Condenses complex laboratory analyses into a single, miniature chip.
  • Offers numerous advantages, including reduced sample size, shorter reaction times, high throughput, automation, and portability.

Versatile Usage

  • Designed for universal application, suitable for households, commercial kitchens, food manufacturing factories, and food safety inspectors.
  • Promotes widespread adoption of food safety testing, enhancing public health.

Affordable Solution

  • Priced at $150, making it accessible to a wide range of users.
  • Cost-effective, ensuring that food safety is within reach for all.

Reusable Probe

Features a washable and non-disposable probe for data collection in food samples.

Combines multiple probe types to gather comprehensive data, ensuring thorough testing.

Smart Supply Management

Upcoming software platform for tracking food safety and quality over time.

Beneficial for commercial users, such as restaurants, in making data-driven supplier and product decisions.

Accurate and Reliable

The Central Processing Unit (CPU) analyzes food data gathered via the probe.

Translates data into simple, understandable signals, such as sounds or lights.

Boasts an accuracy and precision rate of 99.9%, providing dependable results.

Real-Time Warnings

Immediately detects microorganisms and microbial byproducts.

Issues warnings if food is found to be contaminated, preventing potential health risks.

Accessibility for Food Allergies

Supports individuals and organizations with food allergies or sensitivities by enabling allergen detection.

Educational and Research Tool

Valuable for educational institutions and research facilities studying food safety, contamination, and related topics.